Thursday, April 28, 2016

I had always intended that this blog be a political commentary blog. But, although I am interested and follow politics, I guess my heart just isn't in it for that.

So - for a change of direction -

Approaching my 60th birthday I seem to have finally become more concerned about my general level of inactivity. So, I'm taking up running.

I am a short male, overweight (based on my BMI) but no longer obese. I haven't run in years - decades really. And, then it was only occasional and recreational.

I walk but nothing serious or consistent. I have a good pair of running shoes. So, I'm off.

Today was my 4th "walk". I decided to try morning instead of evenings. I almost slept-in!

Covered 4kms in 40 minutes. Hilly terrain in spots. Temperature 3C. A bit of a breeze. Slightly elevated heart rate but no heavy breathing. I may soom start including a bit of running within my walking.

Next day is Saturday. Long walk?

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