Monday, June 13, 2016

First, I guess I should apologise to Garmin regarding my comments about the inflexibility of the apps/widgets on the vivoactive HR. I was wrong - sort of.

I have found that the statistics for my Walks is there on the Garmin Connect app - it's just buried and not convenient to discover.

As for setting warm-up & cool-down along with more flexibility in terms of intervals for my Runs - that is also available. But, through Garmin Express - an app(?)[it seems to need to bring up my web browser for a lot of its "interactions"] for my laptop (Windows7-based) that is supposed to interact with my "wearable" when connected via the USB. So far, connecting and syncing has been "poor" to say the least. I'll just leave it at that for now. I just don't have time for that crap.

Today's Walk - 6:05am; 9c (yep, still friggin' chilly in the morning); 5.4kms; 54.5mins. (a bit slower. I guess I need a better Playlist to listen to. Or, just not be so distracted thinking about so many different things and just concentrate on my Walk!)

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