Thursday, June 16, 2016

Today was a Run day. It's been 1 week (3 Runs per week) since I increased my run in my run/walk intervals to 45 seconds and walk 90 seconds. Remember what I said about knowing I am 60 but don't really think about it and just act like I am 30 or something. Well today, not even half-way through, I felt like, "What the f$^k do I think I'm doing out here at 6:30 in the morning! I'm 60 fer chrissakes!"

But, it seems like, after that half-way point - maybe it's because I know I am over "the hump" and on the way home - I feel much better and it's like I could do even more as I am nearing the finish. (Except today, of course, because it started to rain for the last 5 minutes. As soon as I got home, it stopped!)

It's interesting the people you meet. Most are friendly. Some speak. Almost all at least acknowledge you. A city bus driver gave me a thumbs-up.👍 But, there are always some that are not as friendly. Maybe they are just introverted. But, then again, so am I. One young running woman would not even look at me, although I am sure she had to know I was approaching her. I met her twice during my Run. I thought maybe the second time she'd at least look at me. Nope. When I was her age (20's?), I was probably a bit frumpy, too. Her loss!

Today's Run - 5.4kms; 47mins; temp 15c; partly overcast and then rain - from nowhere!

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