Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I went for a ride on my motorcycle yesterday. It was supposed to be sunny and nice. Instead, it turned cloudy and windy. It tried to start raining a few times but never amounted to anything. What I found amazing was checking my heart-rate when I got home after about a 4 hour ride (including stops). My heart-rate had spiked almost continually way into the "red zone" - much higher than my running intervals (even towards the end of my runs). That was certainly an eye opener.

Today was a Run day. But, first - it is also garbage day. And, even when garbage isn't put out until early in the morning, the raccoons/skunks still get into it. So, clean-up in aisle #1!

For my Run, I extended my run interval from 30secs to 45secs, and kept my walk part the same 90secs. It definitely was more challenging. 

start time: 6:10am (after garbage clean-up!); 5.4kms; 47.5mins; temp 8c; clear

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